Building Your Network [SLIDES]

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People you know are the most important thing in your life.

A few weeks ago, I wrote about the power of weak ties.

Connecting with people whom you meet only a few times a year will expand your horizon. You will find out about the things that your immediate network might be unaware of as you all usually share similar information sources.

building your network

These weak ties make a difference when you need support in finding a new job or improving your life in a more personal level.

13 Steps To Transformational Networking

Follow these steps to get the results you are after:

  1. Assess the barriers that are holding you back
  2. Define your core passions and purpose with the Funnel Test
  3. Create a mind-set of positive productivity
  4. Develop a Give Give Get attitude
  5. Commit to shaking it up
  6. Accelerate your connections with technology
  7. Cultivate relationships that support your purpose
  8. Visit power pockets to accelerate networking
  9. Hone your connecting skills and learn from hub players
  10. Create content, products, or services to share your purpose
  11. Develop partnerships to extend your reach
  12. Learn to make successful asks.
  13. Decide what brings you happiness and success: head, heart, or wallet?

13 Steps To Transformational Networking

Now check out this great presentation by Porter Gale.

Gale’s book on networking

Your-Network-Is-Your-Net-Worth If you want to find out more there’s a book: Your Network Is Your Net Worth: Unlock the Hidden Power of Connections for Wealth, Success, and Happiness in the Digital Age. I admit that the length of the titles is getting out of hand. However, it seems like an interesting book with lots of insight.

Networking doesn’t have to be that frenzied old-school game of calendars packed with stuffy power lunches and sterile evenings at community business gatherings. We’ve entered a new era, one in which shifting cultural values and the explosion of digital technology enable us to network in vastly more efficient, more focused, and more enjoyable ways.

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A fresh take on How to Win Friends and Influence People.

Your Network Is Your Net Worth is an entertaining, straightforward guide filled with revealing case studies, hands-on advice, and innovative strategies for building your network. Written by sought-after speaker, entrepreneur, and marketing executive Porter Gale, with a foreword by Apple evangelist and bestselling author Guy Kawasaki, this book shows you how to establish, expand, and nurture your connections both online and off.

networking quotes Morrison

Networking is working. ~ Denise Morrison

Porter Gale is a former VP of Marketing for Virgin America. In her book Gale introduces a values-based type of networking that builds on your passions and values and connects you with others who share them.

Gone are the days of climbing over our colleagues to get what we want.

According to Gale, “The new way to network and build your true net worth is about charting your own course, living life based on your passions, and being the best you can be.”

By following her clear steps and ideas, Gale shows how to creatively build our networks to achieve happiness, success, and true wealth. She includes illustrations, exercises and real-life stories (including her own) that show how today’s digitally enabled approach to networking can help improve your productivity and potential for happiness and future success.

My Golden Rule of Networking is simple: Don’t keep score. ~ Harvey Mackay

New ways to network are popping up every day—and Gale tells you how to make the most of them—but even traditional networking opportunities are not the same animals that they once were. This means we need to shift our attitudes and approaches accordingly.

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Networking has evolved from a transactional game to a transformational process. Whereas once it was about power plays, now it’s about charting your own course, following your passions, and making meaningful connections, which in turn increase your happiness and productivity.

Besides chronicling her own rise from an ad agency intern to an in-demand consultant, Gale also shares the inspiring stories of so many others who live by this networking model:

  • a military wife who connects with social media communities while her husband is deployed overseas,
  • a young woman blogger battling leukemia,
  • a dyslexic politician who wins elections by telling stories, and
  • the CEO of a Major League Baseball team who once made a phone call that changed the course of his life.

When you focus on your passions and reorganize your networking around your values and beliefs, you will discover the kind of lasting relationships, personal transformation, and, ultimately, tangible wealth that are the foundation for happiness and success.

With a message both timely and important, Your Network Is Your Net Worth is the definitive handbook to Networking 2.0.

networking quotes Williams

Networking is an essential part of building wealth. ~ Armstrong Williams

Photo on Visualhunt

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Priit Kallas

Founder of I created FixWillpower to help you reach your goals. I have struggled my entire life to be consistent and avoid procrastination. The goal is to have a good life, do the things you love and get your results with minimum effort. FixWillpower website is about how I create motivation and productivity in my life. I write about the tools and techniques, best books, scientific research, and everything else that helps you move faster and stay on track. Minimum effort doesn’t mean slacking off. Minimum effort is about effectiveness and productivity. If there is a way to reach a goal in a shorter time or with less exertion, then you should use that. I will help you be smarter and reach goals faster. About FixWillpower